Who We Are

Emnotes was started with direct sales at a community college in southern California in 2011. This is just a fancy way of saying that notebooks were sold directly to classmates in engineering courses. 

Eventually, these found their way into online stores and began distribution throughout the United States, but is still remains a small operation. 

Our delivery process and crafting of our products is a little more streamlined nowadays, with fulfillment centers around the country stocked by our manufacturing partners overseas. Same quality notebooks, with very few products added to our line in order to keep Emnotes simple and durable, without the need to sacrifice quality for volume.

Every style of notebook has been tried and carried around for a while, some I’ve carried around for years in backpacks and luggage to see how long it lasts, and I have yet to have one fall apart on me.

Another detail I have always stuck with is the plain white paper. There’s something about it that makes the ideas flow a little bit easier, although I have gotten requests for lined notebooks already. It might be time to bring them over.

We are still updating our notebooks and processes, so if you think of something you like or want to change, feel free to send us a message.

Thank you so much for your continued support. All the best to you, my friends!

-Edwin, founder of Emnotes